At Compassionate Personal Care Services, we want to make sure the community always has the help that it needs. Below you will find links to the different resources in Wisconsin that could help someone in need. With clear navigation, accessible contact options, and useful information, this webpage is a vital lifeline for those in need, ensuring that help is always just a click away when it’s needed most.


Shelters for Men, Women, and Children in Wisconsin

Hope House of Milwaukee

Milwaukee Rescue Mission

Safe Haven

Pillars Adult Shelter

House of Mercy Homeless Center

The Cathedral Center, Inc.

Northwoods Homeless Shelters

The Beacon

Halo, Inc.

Twin Oaks Shelter

Outreach Community Health Centers


Food Pantries

Second Harvest Foodbank

Feeding America

Feed My People Food Bank

Hunger Task Force

Hunger Relief Federation of Wisconsin


Food Programs

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)

Emergency Food Assistance Program

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program


Work Assistance Programs

Foodshare Employment and Training (FSET)

Wisconsin Works (W-2)


Other Financial Resources

Home Assistance Programs

Wisconsin’s Caretake Supplement (CTS)

Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP)

Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program

PATH Program